My Mother’s Luxurious Christmas Cake — Toni Brancatisano

This is probably one of my most cherished recipes. If I close my eyes and inhale the aromas exuding from this cake, I can take myself back in time and imagine my mother lovingly unwrapping her Christmas Cake to feed it with brandy in the lead up to Christmas. I made an easier and smaller…

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Baked Amish Apple Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal

Baked oatmeal is a traditional, comforting Amish breakfast casserole served warm or at room temperature with copious amounts of cream or milk. Unlike regular oatmeal; made on the stove-top or microwave which has a porridge-like consistency, baked oatmeal is made in the oven and in many ways is similar to bread pudding. There are never-ending…

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Chicken D’Olivo Bello

This incredible Northern Italian dish includes every flavor pleasing to the palate; sweet, salty, sour and savory. This is a recipe which I adapted from my mother’s northern Italian influence and a brilliant Sicilian chef whose shared expertise I hold dear as well. As a young teen, I fondly remember visiting my mother’s homeland near Naples,…

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