Mother’s Day Breakfast Idea: Incredibly Simple Eggs Benedict with Blender Hollandaise & a little history

  This week we’ve celebrated the wonders of American Fare. Served up today is another U.S culinary phenomenon, Eggs Benedict! Contrary to popular belief Eggs Benedict’s origin is not that of foreign ground. Yep, it’s all American! It even possesses its own National Day, April 16th, which I missed this year. Better late than never, […]

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Celebrate National Pretzel Day! Pretzel’s Past & An Amazing Soft Pretzel Recipe

Did you know that the twists in pretzels are meant to look like arms crossed in prayer? See the resemblance? Twins!  According to Folklore, pretzels were created by a monk around 610 in Italy. According to The History of Science and Technology, the monk baked strips of dough that he folded into a shape resembling […]

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Mama Carmela’s Napolitana e Siciliano Easter Egg Lasagna

This is a quick and easy version of my Mama Carmela’s famous Easter Lasagna. The addition of hard-boiled eggs and sliced meatballs were influenced by her northern Italian background and make this dish extra delicious and one of a kind! I’ve adapted her recipe and made it “today” friendly for ease of preparation by using […]

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The 30 Friends of Summer Tour Extended Into September!

Ciao Amici! As some of you may be aware, over the past few weeks, we’ve been on a Fare Blog Tour! We’re enjoying our journey immensely yet, are hungry for more! So, we’ve decided to extend this excellent expedition into September 2016. From the beginning, our goal was to share the deliciousness from our favorite food…

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Easy Pacific Northwest Glazed Smoked Salmon & a little info

Glazed Smoked Salmon at its Finest! Get to know your food: Did you know that salmon is considered anadromous: born in fresh water, migrate to the ocean, and then return to fresh water to reproduce? They maintain one color when living in fresh water, then change color when they are in salt water. Good to…

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Italian Pride: Portions of Pasta’s Past

Since most all of my recipes will be centered around Italy this week, today, I would like to share a bit about pasta; its origin, uses and soon some of my fondest childhood memories surrounding them. “Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta. Wherever Italians immigrated they brought their…

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Pie, Oh My! A Pocket Full of Info & a little history

Apple, blueberry, peach and lemon, savory, hand or even Pop tarts! Pie is what happens when pastry meets filling. Pie can be closed, open, small, large, savory or sweet. The basic concept of pies and tarts has changed little throughout the ages. Cooking methods (baked or fried in ancient hearths, portable colonial/pioneer Dutch ovens, modern…

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7 Lucky Foods For Friday the 13th: Combat the Bad & Make It Good!

Superstitions abound on this day; the dreaded Friday the 13th. Visions of black cats crossing your path, walking under open ladders, seeing the triple digits 666; all seemingly never good to encounter. Some people live in fear of Friday the 13th. They’ll have to get through May 13 the best they can this year, but…

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Pico de Gallo aka Salsa Fresca

In Mexican cuisine, pico de gallo literally means beak of rooster. Legend has it that fighting cocks are calmed by their handlers by placing the rooster’s head in their mouth. Yum! 😉 It is said that darkness causes birds to immediately begin the sleep cycle. Often as soon as the handler puts the bird’s head…

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