Chicken Caesar Burger by Amanda of Chez Le Reve Francais!

  These Chicken Caesar Burgers are perfect ‘man grub’, especially when there is football on! This is another easy recipe that makes lots of dressing so you can slather it on the side salad or leave it for another day. The burger bun becomes one giant crispy Parmesan croûton…. First make the dressing. Put a…

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“The Sicilian” The Ultimate Italian Burger!

Every time I develop something Sicilian inspired “The Godfather” theme rings incessantly in my mind and memories of my Sicilian father weigh heavily into the equation as well 🙂 Grazia, Daddy! Obviously, this burger is an indulgence rather than every day fare, but as they say “variety is the spice of life.” And today I…

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Ciabatta Bread the Pane of all Pane

Ciabatta Bread  There are few things as fragrant and flavorful as fresh baked bread! The aroma of baking bread brings back memories of hearth and home and the warmth and love provided there. The spongy inner crumb and crusty outer layer makes this bread suitable for all needs; it is superb sandwich bread, amazing toasted,…

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