Crema Greek Yogurt Pane: Big Flavor with No Biga!

According to Wiki, Biga is a type of pre-fermentation used in Italian baking. Many popular Italian types of bread, including ciabatta, are made using a biga. Using a biga adds complexity to the bread’s flavor and is often used in breads that need a light, open texture with holes. Apart from adding to flavor and…

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Vermont Maple Cinnamon Swirl Bread

This beautiful spicy bread was inspired by my neighbor Darren. We were chatting in the warm summer Arizona air one evening and he was reminiscing about his days growing up in Connecticut and about bread his family used to use when making French toast. The sparkle in his eyes warmed my heart and I simply…

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Tuscan Panzanella—Italian Vegetable & Bread Salad

This fresh, colorful summertime salad offers an incredible and flavorful marriage of tastes–savory, salty, tangy, pungent and sweet. You’ll want to frequent your local Farmer’s market for the freshest ingredients available. Feel free to mix and match vegetables in season for a variety of flavors. This salad is perfect served alone for a quick lunch…

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Savory Bacon Cheddar Jalapeno Herb Scones—Super Simple & Superb!

Savory scones you say? Absolutely! Packed with cheesy, spicy, herby flavor! Perfect with soup, stew, salad & pasta. Serves as handy little sandwich breads as well. Fun to make so include your loved ones or even those you would like to become your loved ones…baking makes fine friends 😉 Ingredients 3 cups unbleached all purpose flour…

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Crema Yogurt Pane

  Your bread machine will do most of the work after you measure in the ingredients. You can cut fat and calories in this protein-packed, hearty, but light, flavorful, luscious bread by using nonfat Greek yogurt if you prefer. The yogurt imparts a slightly sour edge reminiscent of sourdough, but with a less chewy crumb….

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Ciabatta Bread the Pane of all Pane

Ciabatta Bread  There are few things as fragrant and flavorful as fresh baked bread! The aroma of baking bread brings back memories of hearth and home and the warmth and love provided there. The spongy inner crumb and crusty outer layer makes this bread suitable for all needs; it is superb sandwich bread, amazing toasted,…

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Ciabatta, Filone, Focaccia, Muffuletta, Vastedda, Ah pane!

    Ciabatta, Filone, Focaccia, Muffuletta, Vastedda, Ah pane…“A bread by any other name would smell as sweet.  I can sense Sir William Shakespeare rolling over in his grave as I write this…  Today, I want to briefly delve into a little history of another Italian staple; Bread or as we Italian’s affectionately call it…

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